Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Scouting RAGBRAI - Day 7 to Lansing and the finish line!

This is my final "scouting post" before the big ride starts in a few days. Here's what we have to look forward to on the final day. The ride will be the shortest at 45 miles, but with the steepest hills (4!) and the most beautiful scenery! God willing, I'll arrive back at my car after 7 days of cycling and camping. Hope it hasn't melted in the Iowa heat, parked in a field all week! Here is Lansing's 2017 RAGBRAI logo:

Leaving Waukon, we'll pass through shady roads in the Yellow River State Forest Allamakee County in Northeast Iowa. Trails and overlooks will be a welcome diversion for stops. Native American burial sites are preserved at the Effigy Mounds National Monument. We'll pass through more small towns where a soap store and winery use local ingredients to make their products. See more details and photos from the Iowa Gallivant's scouting trip here:

As we pass through Harper's Ferry shortly before reaching Lansing, it is customary to dip the bike's front wheels in the mighty Mississippi when arriving at the end of the line. (Rear wheels were dipped in Orange City on Day 1) When the RAGBRAI brass did their 7 day route inspection in June, they posted this photo on their Facebook page. Imagine us on July 29th, 10,000 strong (and exhausted), vying for spots on this or another ramp and handing our cameras and phones to total strangers or maybe new friends to take our photo.  We've been advised to dip our wheels along the Mississippi prior to arriving in Lansing, as they expect major gridlock in the end town all day! ;)

Approaching the historic town of Lansing, towering bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River will come into view, along with houseboats you can rent for the night. Pie, ice cream and cold beer stops will be plentiful as the ride comes to an end, as well as diners for hearty food. Sounds like Horsfall's variety store on Main Street has all sorts of things to buy too! Read more:

I imagine I'll be ready to beeline it to my waiting car and head south 3 hours for a nice hot bath and real bed in the Clinton, Iowa Hilton where I've booked a room. Can't drive much further than that after a day of cycling! I'll make my way home the next day, July 30th.... 10 hours from Clinton IA to TN. Luckily, I'm not due back at work until the 31st! Hope I can walk...

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