Saturday, July 8, 2017

Scouting RAGBRAI... Day 3 in Clear Lake

Clear Lake, with their RAGBRAI "logo" above, will be our overnight stop on Day 3, July 25th. It's their 3rd time as an overnight town, and I'm really looking forward to this because of the its location on a huge lake with a beach and surrounding parks! Water will be a welcome sight after days of farms and corn. I'll likely take a dip!

I've also JUST been informed that I've been matched with a "volunteer host" that will house me in a real bed there for the night! A nice retired couple with a home on the lake...they're housing 6 women. Their home is 3 miles from the main campground where the baggage truck will unload, so I'm not sure about logistics, but I've posed the question on the RAGBRAI forums. We shall see. I was almost looking forward to camping lakeside here but in the event of rain, or aches and pains, I'll be glad to have host accommodations and a shower! I touched base with them, and they said I'm also welcome to do some laundry! How sweet ;)

According to the Iowa Gallivant's recent scouting trip to the town, there are prime camping spots right in town along the lake, as well as the option to take a cruise nearby! I'm going to get on early start that morning to take advantage of this charming town and its lovely setting. I'm sure I'll be super tired from Tuesday's grueling 72 mile ride, but I can rest in a real bed in Clear Lake... after a "short" 5-6 hour, 51 mile ride. ha ha.
A lakeside Italian restaurant, a pizza joint, a cookie store, and a local brewery round out the suggested amenities for food and drink. The family owned Ladybug features a market, bakery, green houses, and a SPA! How nice would a mid-week massage be? Cabin Coffee Company serves northern Iowa and they have a store in Clear Lake. A host of delis and diners serve up good old fashioned American comfort food too!

The historic Surf Ballroom will be open for air conditioned tours and maybe even a farmers market in their parking lot. Their claim to fame is that Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper, and Ritchie Valens played their last show there before dying in a plane crash nearby, inspiring the song "Bye bye Miss American Pie"...the day the music died. The Surf also hosted many other music legends over the decades. There is a memorial nearby at the site of the plane crash in a corn field just outside of town.

The 2.5 acre public Central Gardens is a quiet place to walk and enjoy nature near the lake and downtown. It should be a great mid-week overnight town! Read the whole article and see photos here:

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